For an updated list of publications, please check my google scholar profile.
[SSSB24] Sahana Suryanarayana, Raghvinder S Sangwan, Satish M Srinivasan, Youakim Badr, Improving Safety of AI Systems. vol1(4), pp. 51-58, Dec. 2024.
[GHUB24] Brandon A Mosqueda González, Omar Hasan, Wisnu Uriawan, Youakim Badr, Lionel Brunie, Secure and efficient decentralized machine learning through group-based model aggregation, Cluster Computing vol27, 3911–3925 (2024)
[DSBS24] Harsh Deokuliar, Raghvinder S Sangwan, Youakim Badr, Satish M Srinivasan, Improving Testing of Deep-Learning Systems, Commun. ACM 67, 3 (March 2024), 44–48.
[BADR24] Youakim Badr, Editorial: Evolution of large language models and their role in shaping general artificial intelligence, Digital Transformation and Society, Vol3(1), pp. 1-2, 2024
[DSBS23] Harsh Deokuliar, Raghvinder S Sangwan, Youakim Badr, Satish M Srinivasan, Improving Testing of Deep-learning Systems: A combination of differential and mutation testing results in better test data, ACM Queue, Vol12(5), pp. 54-65, 2023
[UBHB23] Wisnu Uriawan, Youakim Badr, Omar Hasan, Lionel Brunie, Decentralized Trustworthiness Score Management with Smart Contracts on the TrustLend Platform, IET Blockchain, 2023
[GHUB23] Brandon A. Mosqueda González, Omar Hasan, Wisnu Uriawan, Youakim Badr, Lionel Brunie, Secure and efficient decentralized machine learning through group-based model aggregation, Cluster Computing, 2023
[RSBS23] Raghvinder S Sangwan, Youakim Badr, Satish M Srinivasan, Cybersecurity for AI Systems: A Survey, Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, Vol3(2), 166-190, 2023
[YOBA22] Youakim Badr, Enabling Intrusion Detection Systems with dueling Double Deep Q-learning, Digital Transformation and Society, Emerald Publishing, Vol 1(1), pp. 114-141, 2022, ISSN: 2755-0761
[PABJ22] Partha Mukherjee, Youakim Badr, Bernard J. Jansen, Analysis of Formality in Second Screen Postings for Television Broadcast of In-Real-Life Events, The Journal of Communication and Media Studies, Vol 7(2), pp. 47-68, 2022. doi:10.18848/2470-9247/CGP/v07i02/47-68.
[SBSM22] Raghvinder Sangwan, Youakim Badr, Satish Srinivasan, Partha Mukherjee, On the Testability of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems, IEEE Computer, Vol 55(3). pp. 101-105, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/MC.2021.3132710.
[MBKV21] Partha Mukherjee, Youakim Badr, Srusthi Karvekar, Shanmugapriya Viswanathan, Coronavirus Genome Sequence Similarity and Protein Sequence Classification, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, Vol 11(1), pp. 583-593, 2021.
[MUBV21] Partha Mukherjee, Youakim Badr, Srusthi Karvekar, Predicting Success of Campaigns on Membership based Patreon Crowdfunding Platform, Journal of Digital Sciences, Vol 3(2), pp. 3-18, 2021. doi:10.33847/2686-8296.3.2_1.
[SABQ21] Rahul Sharma, Harsh Anand, Youakim Badr, RG Qiu. Time-to-Event Prediction using Survival Analysis Methods for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression, Alzheimer & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI), Vol 7(1) 2022
[YBRS21] Youakim Badr, Rahul Sharma, “Data Transparency and Fairness Analysis of the NYPD Stop-and-Frisk Program, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol 12(2), pp. 1-14, 2022
[XZBN21] Youakim Badr, Xiaoyang Zhu, Mansour Naser Alraja, Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Threats and Challenges, Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 13 pp, 2021. DOI:10.1007/s11761-021-00327-z
[SDQB21] Shreysh Doppalapudi (graduate), RG Qiu, Youakim Badr, “Lung cancer survival period prediction and understanding: Deep learning approaches,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol 148, Article number 104371, 2021
[GBNQ21] Anchal Gupta (supervised graduate), Youakim Badr, Ashkan Negahban, Robin Qiu, “Energy-efficient heating control for smart buildings with deep reinforcement learning,” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol 34, Article number 1101739, 2021
[SHEB21] Jian Sun, Xiaoqin Huang (graduate), Charles Egwuagu, Youakim Badr, Stephen Charles Dryden, Brian Thomas Fowler, Siamak Yousefi; “Identifying Mouse Autoimmune Uveitis from Fundus Photographs Using Deep Learning.” Translational Vision Science & Technology, Vol 9(2):59, 2020
[GBMS18] Gatouillat, A. (supervised Ph.D.), Youakim Badr, Bertrand Massot, and Ervin Sejdić. “Internet of Medical Things: A Review of Recent Contributions Dealing with Cyber-Physical Systems in Medicine.” IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5, no. 5 (October 2018): 3810–22.
[ZHB18] Xiaoyang Zhu (supervised Ph.D.), Youakim Badr. « Identity Management Systems for the Internet of Things: A Survey Towards Blockchain Solutions ». Sensors, Internet of Things section, 18, no. 12 (2018): 4215. (5-year Impact Factor: 4.05)
[RBBB18] Arup Roy, Soumya Banerjee, Chintan Bhatt, Youakim Badr and Saurav Mallik, Hybrid Group Recommendation Using Modified Termite Colony Algorithm: A Context Towards Big Data, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2018) 1850019, (CiteScore: 1.8)
[GBM18] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and B. Massot “Smart and Safe Self-Adaption of Connected Devices Based on Discrete Controllers ». IET Software, vol. 13, n°1, pp. 49-59. 2018, 10.1049/iet-sen.2018.5029
[ABBE18] M. Abi Assaf (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, K. Barbar, and H. El Khoury, “Generating Database Schemas from Business Artifact Models,” International Journal Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), vol. 10, n°2, pp. 10-17, 2018. 10.5815/ijitcs.2018.02.02
[MBBA17] S. Manash, S. Banerjee, Y. Badr, and S. Arun Kumar, “Configuring a Trusted Cloud Service Model for Smart City Exploration Using Hybrid Intelligence,” International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 1-21, 2017.
[GDPB17] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), A. Dumortier, S. Perera, Y. Badr, C. Gehin, and E. Sejdić, “Analysis of the Pen Pressure and Grip Force Signal During Basic Drawing Tasks: The Timing and Speed Changes Impact Drawing Characteristics,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 87, pp. 124–131, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2017.05.020
[XIZB16] M. Xia, R. Zhang, and Y. Badr, “Choquet-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making with Objective and Subjective Information,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 773–781, Feb. 2016.
[ABBR13] M. Abi Assaf (supervised Ph.D.), K. Barbar, Y. Badr, and M. Rammal, “Unstructured Data Integration through Automata-Driven Information Extraction,” International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2013.
[BABT11] Y. Badr, F. Biennier, and S. Tata, “The Integration of Corporate Security Strategies in Collaborative Business Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 243–254, Sep. 2011. 10.1109/TSC.2010.18 This journal was selected as the Spotlight Paper for the July 2011 issue.
[MSWB11] Z. Maamar, Noura. Faci, Leonardo Wives, Y. Badr, and J. Pedro, Santos, Jose Palazzo de Oliveira, “Using Social Networks for Web Services Discovery,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 48–54, 2011, 10.1109/MIC.2011.27
[MWBE11] Zakaria Maamar, Lenonardo K. Wives, Y. Badr, Said Elnaffar, Khouloud Boukadi, and Noura Faci, “Linkedws: A novel web services discovery model based on the metaphor of “social networks”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 121–132, 2011. DOI:
[PEBB11] Y. Peng (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “A Pervasive Environment for Systemising Innovative Services in Knowledge-Intensive Firms,” International Journal of Electronic Business, vol. 9, no. 5/6, pp. 429–453, 2011
[YLAB10] B. Yue, H. Liu, A. Abraham, and Y. Badr, “A Multi-Swarm Synergetic Optimizer for Multi-Knowledge Extraction Using Rough Set,” Neural Network World, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 501–517, 2010.
[ZBMB10] A. Zayati (supervised Ph.D.), F. Biennier, M. Moalla, and Y. Badr, “Towards Lean Service Bus Architecture for Industrial Integration Infrastructure and Pull Manufacturing Strategies,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 125–139, 2010.
[ZSBB10] A. Zayati (supervised Ph.D.), L. Sliman, F. Biennier, Y. Badr, and M. Moalla, “Service Bus Framework for Industrial Information System,” ICSGT International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML), vol. 9, no. 2, 2010. (2019
[BAMA10] Y. Badr and Z. Maamar, “Can Enterprises Capitalize on their Social Networks?” The Cutter IT Journal, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 10–14, 2010.
[SLBB09A] L. Sliman (supervised Ph.D.), F. Biennier, and Y. Badr, “A Security Policy Framework for Context-Aware and User Preferences in e-Services,” Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA), vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 275–288, 2009.
[SLBB09B] L. Sliman (supervised Ph.D.), F. Biennier, and Y. Badr, “Collaborative Business and Enterprise Urbanization: Towards a Production-Oriented Urbanization Strategy,” International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 9–33, 2009.
[CBBF08] S. Chaari, Y. Badr, F. Biennier, J. Favrel, and Chokri Ben Amar, “Framework for Web Service Selection based on Non-functional Properties,” International Journal of Web Services Practices, vol. 3, no. 1–2, pp. 94–109, 2008.
[BADR08] Y. Badr, “Service-Oriented Workflow,” Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 118–127, 2008.
[BAST07] Y. Badr and J. Stephan, “Security and Risk Management in Supply Chains,” Journal of Information Assurance and Security (IJIAS), vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 288–296, 2007.
[BACH06] Y. Badr and R. Chbeir, “Automatic Image Description Based on Textual Data,” Journal on Data Semantics VII, vol. 4244, pp. 196–218, 2006.
[BADR06] Y. Badr, “Extracting Information from Coarser-grained Data in XML Documents,” Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 117–123, 2006.
[BSAK23] Rajdeep Bhadra, Mridhu Sahu, Maroi Agrebi, Pawan Kumar Singh, Youakim Badr. A Hybrid Deep Feature Selection Framework for Speaker Accent Recognition. In: Arvind Selwal, Deepika Sharma, Mukesh Mann, Sudeshna Chakraborty, Valentina E. Balas, Ouh Eng Lieh, N. (eds) Leveraging Computer Vision to Biometric Applications, pp 154-177. CRC Press, 2025.
[BSAK23] Mainak Biswas, Mridhu Sahu, Maroi Agrebi, Pawan Kumar Singh & Youakim Badr. Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep CNNs Trained on Log-Frequency Spectrograms. In: Rivera, G., Rosete, A., Dorronsoro, B., Rangel-Valdez, N. (eds) Innovations in Machine and Deep Learning. Studies in Big Data, vol 134. Springer, Cham, 2023.
[SRBS23] Deepak Sharma, Arup Roy, Sankar Prasad Bag, Pawan Kumar Singh & Youakim Badr. A Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Approach for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors. In: Rivera, G., Rosete, A., Dorronsoro, B., Rangel-Valdez, N. (eds) Innovations in Machine and Deep Learning. Studies in Big Data, vol 134. Springer, Cham.2023.
[ARMB23] Peter Abraldes, James Rotella, Partha Mukherjee, Youakim Badr, Analyzing U.S. Maritime Trade & COVID-19 Impact using Machine Learning. In John Wang (ed.) Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning,(5 Volumes). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.
[SBGG22] Manash Sarkar, Arup Roy, Youakim Badr, Bhavya Gaur, Saptarshi Gupta, An Intelligent Music Recommendation Framework for Multimedia Big Data: A Journey of Entertainment Industry. In: Kumar R., Sharma R., Pattnaik P.K. (eds) Multimedia Technologies in the Internet of Things Environment, Volume 2. Studies in Big Data, vol 93. Springer, Singapore. pp. 39-67
[SBBB19] Soumya Banerjee, Philipp Brune, and Youakim Badr. “Exploring the Scalable Event-Driven Load Balancer Using Hybrid Intelligence for Smart Paradigms.” In Toward Sustainable and Economic Smart Mobility, Editors, Edited By: Max Eiza, Yue Cao, Yue Cao, pp 143–168. World Scientific, 2020
[QZQQ19] Robin Qiu, Tianhai Zu, Ying Qian, Lawrence Qiu & Youakim Badr (2019). « Leveraging Big Data Platform Technologies and Analytics to Enhance Smart City Mobility Services ». In Handbook of Service Science, Volume II, edited by Paul P. Maglio, Cheryl A. Kieliszewski, James C. Spohrer, Kelly Lyons, Lia Patrício, and Yuriko Sawatani, 567–87. Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
[BABA18B] Y. Badr and S. Banerjee, Developing Modified Classifier for Big Data Paradigm: An Approach through Bio-inspired Soft Computing, In: Pedrycz W., Chen SM. (eds) Data Science and Big Data: An Environment of Computational Intelligence. Studies in Big Data, vol 24, Springer-Verlag pp, 2017, 109-122.
[BABA18A] S. Banerjee and Y. Badr, “Evaluating Decision Analytics from Mobile Big Data Using Rough Set Based Ant Colony,” In: Skourletopoulos G., Mastorakis G., Mavromoustakis C., Dobre C., Pallis E. (eds) Mobile Big Data. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 10. Springer. 2017, pp. 217-231.
[BBHA16] E. Blasch, Y. Badr, S. Hariri, and Y. AL-Nashif, “Fusion Trust Service Assessment for Crisis Management Environments,” in Fusion Methodologies in Crisis Management: Higher Level Fusion and Decision Making, Springer, 2016, pp. 389–420.
[MBFS14] Z. Maamar, Y. Badr, N. Faci, and Q. Z. Sheng, “Realizing a Social Ecosystem of Web Services,” in Advanced Web Services, A. Bouguettaya, Q. Z. Sheng, and F. Daniel, Eds. Springer New York, 2014, pp. 455–473.
[BABA14] S. Banerjee, Y. Badr, and E. T. Al-Shammari, “Analyzing Tweet Cluster Using Standard Fuzzy C Means Clustering,” in Social Networks: A Framework of Computational Intelligence, W. Pedrycz and S.-M. Chen, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 377–406.
[BAPB12] Y. Badr, Y. Peng (supervised Ph.D.), and F. Biennier, “Digital Ecosystems for Business e-Services in Knowledge-Intensive Firms,” in Business System Management and Engineering, C. A. Ardagna, E. Damiani, L. A. Maciaszek, M. Missikoff, and M. Parkin, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 16–31.
[BANM11] Y. Badr, N. C. Narendra, and Z. Maamar, “Business Artifacts for E-Business Interoperability,” in Electronic Business Interoperability: Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges, E. Kajan, Ed. 2011, pp. 15–36.
[BFMB11] Y. Badr, N. Faci, Z. Maamar, and F. Biennier, “Multi-level Social Networking to Enable and Foster Collaborative Organizations,” in Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks, L. M. Camarinha-Matos, A. Pereira-Klen, and H. Afsarmanesh, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 3–10.
[LIAB10] H. Liu, A. Abraham, and Y. Badr, “Neighbor Selection in Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks: A Swarm Intelligence Approach,” in Pervasive Computing, A.-E. Hassanien, J. H. Abawajy, A. Abraham, and H. Hagras, Eds. Springer London, 2010, pp. 405–431.
[MABB09] Z. Maamar, D. Benslimane, and Y. Badr, “Towards a Contextual and Policy-Driven Method for Service Computing Design and Development,” in Transforming E-Business Practices and Applications: Emerging Technologies and Concepts, 2009, pp. 385–406.
[AZSB25] Rezak Azziz, Samia Saad-Bouzefrane, Youakimm Badr, Enhancing Trust in Central Differential Privacy using zk-SNARKs and Cryptographic Hashes, In 39th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking & Applications (AINA), 2025 (Accepted)
[BZSB24] Youakim Badr, Xiaoyang Zhu, Samia Saad-Bouzefrane, Soumya Banerjee, A Bitcoin-Based Digital Identity Model for the Internet of Things, A Bitcoin-Based Digital Identity Model for the Internet of Things. In: Bouzefrane, S., Sauveron, D. (eds) Information Security Theory and Practice. WISTP 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14625. Springer, Cham
[[ARFE23a] Maroun Abi Assaf, Charbel Fares, Ali Rachini, Youakim Badr, Kablan Barbar. “A Unified Conceptual Model Based on Business Artifacts for Information Systems.” .In 2023 24th International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 1–9).2023.
[ARFE23b] Maroun Abi Assaf, Ali Rachini, Charbel Fares, Hicham El Khoury, Youakim Badr. Automated Submission of Digital Content to Digital Repositories Through Web API.” . In 2023 2nd International Engineering Conference on Electrical, Energy, and Artificial Intelligence (EICEEAI) (pp. 1–5).2023.
[UHBB22a] Wisnu Uriawan (supervised Ph.D.), Omar Hasan, Youakim Badr and Lionel Brunie, LAPS: Computing Loan Default Risk from User Activity, Profile, and Recommendations, 4th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), 2022, 6 pages.
[SMSB22] Partha Mukherjee, Deeksha Joshi, Youakim Badr, Raghvinder Sangwan, Satish Srinivasan. NLP Integrated Hybrid Model of Semi-supervised and Supervised Learning for Online Misinformation Classification, INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS), 2022
[MUBAT22] Partha Mukherjee and Youakim Badr, Detection of Defaulters in P2P Lending Platforms using Unsupervised Learning, IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS). pp. 1-5, 2022
[SMSB22] Satish Srinivasan, Shahed Mahbub, Raghu Sangwan, Youakim Badr, Partha Mukherjee. Pattern Language for Designing Distributed AI Systems, INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS), 2022
[BARQ21] Youakim Badr and RG Qiu. Artificial Intelligence-as-a-service In Healthcare, NFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 2021
[UHBB21b] Wisnu Uriawan (supervised Ph.D.), Omar Hasan, Youakim Badr and Lionel Brunie, Collateral-Free Trustworthiness-based Personal Lending on a Decentralized Application (DApp) In Proceedings of the 18thInternational Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 2021, pp 839-844
[BAMT21] Youakim Badr, Partha Mukherjee and Sindhu Madhuri Thumati, Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural Networks, 13th International Conference on on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA 2021). pp. 366-373, ISSN 2184-2825
[PBDS21] Partha Mukherjeea, Youakim Badr, Shreyesh Doppalapudi, Satish M. Srinivasan, Raghu Sangwan, Rahul Sharma, Effect of Negation in Sentences on Sentiment Analysis and Polarity Detection, Complex Adaptive Systems conference. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 185, 2021, pp 370-379
[DEKB20] Devendra Prakash Jaiswala, Srishti Kumara, Youakim Badr, Towards an Artificial Intelligence Aided Design Approach: Application to Anime Faces with Generative Adversarial Networks, International Conference on Complex Adaptive Systems, Volume 168, pp 57-64, 2020
[GBBG18a] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, B. Massot, E. Sejdić, and C. Gehin, “Evaluation of a real-time low-power cardiorespiratory sensor for the IoT.” 40th International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2018, pp. 5382-5385
[GBBG18b] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, B. Massot, C. Gehin, and E. Sejdić, “Building IoT-Enabled Wearable Medical Devices: An Application to a Wearable, Multiparametric, Caediorespiratory Sensor,” in 11th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES), Funchal, Madeira Portugal, 2018, pp 109-118. (Best Student paper award)
[ZUBA18a] Xiaoyang Zhu (supervised Ph.D.) & Youakim Badr. « Fog Computing Security Architecture for the Internet of Things using Blockchain-based Social Networks ». 2018 IEEE Confs on Internet of Things, Green Computing and Communications, Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, Smart Data, Blockchain, Computer and Information Technology, Congress on Cybermatics, 2018, pp. 1361-1366.
[ZUBA18b] Xiaoyang Zhu (supervised Ph.D.) & Youakim Badr. “A Survey on Blockchain-based Identity Management Systems for the Internet of Things ». 2018 IEEE Confs on Internet of Things, Green Computing and Communications, Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, Smart Data, Blockchain, Computer and Information Technology, Congress on Cybermatics, 2018, pp. 1568-1573.
[GABB18] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr and B. Massot “Hybrid controller synthesis for the IoT,” in 33rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC), 2018 pp. 778-785.
[ABBY17] M. Abi Assaf (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and A. Youssef, “A Continuous Query Language for Stream-based Artifacts,” in the 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Lyon, France, 2017, pp 80-89.
[GABA17] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.) and Y. Badr, “Verifiable and Resource-Aware Component Model for IoT Devices,” in The International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems (MEDES), Bangkok, Thailand, 2017, pp 236-243.
[QIQB17] R. G. Qiu, J. L. Qiu, and Y. Badr, “Predictive Modeling of the Severity/Progression of Alzheimer’s Diseases,” in IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017, pp. 400–403.
[QBWL17] R. G. Qiu, Y. Badr, J. Wang, and S. Li, “Developing a Smart Service System to Enrich Bike Riders’ Experience,” in International Conference on Software, Multimedia and Communication Engineering (SMCE), Shanghai, China, 2017.
[ZBPH17] X. Zhu (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, J. Pacheco, and S. Hariri, “Autonomic Identity Framework for the Internet of Things,” in International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), Tuscon, United States, 2017, pp. 69–79.
[FAWB16] D. Freet, R. Agrawal, J. J. Walker, and Y. Badr, “Open Source Cloud Management Platforms and Hypervisor Technologies: A Review and Comparison,” in SoutheastCon, 2016, pp. 1–8.
[ABBA16] M. A. Assaf (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, K. Barbar, and Y. Amghar, “AQL: A Declarative Artifact Query Language,” in Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), 2016, pp. 119–133.
[QHRQ16] R. Qiu, H. Ha, R. Ravi, L. Qiu, and Y. Badr, “A Big Data based Smart Evaluation System using Public Opinion Aggregation,” in 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Volume 1, Rome, Italy, April 25-28, 2016, pp. 520–527.
[QIQB16] R. G. Qiu, L. L. Qiu, and Y. Badr, “Integrating Physical and Social Sensing to Enable Smart City Mobility Services,” in 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, (INDIN), Poitiers, France, July 19-21, 2016, pp. 909–915.
[MYYK16] M. Abi Assaf (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, Y. Amghar, and Kablan Barbar, “Towards an Integration System for Artifact-centric Processes,” in Proceedings of the 2016 on SIGMOD PhD Symposium, New York, USA, 2016, pp. 2–6.
[ABBA15] M. Abi Assaf, Y. Badr, K. Barbar, and Y. Amghar, “On the Integration of Artifact Lifecycles,” in the 7th International Conference on Management of Computational and Collective IntElligence in Digital EcoSystems, Caraguatatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2015, pp. 59–63.
[BHAB15] Y. Badr, S. Hariri, Y. AL-Nashif, and E. Blasch, “Resilient and Trustworthy Dynamic Data-driven Application Systems (DDDAS) Services for Crisis Management Environments,” in Procedia Computer Science, 2015, vol. 51, pp. 2623–2637.
[JOBA14] H. R. Joseph (supervised graduate) and Y. Badr, “Business Artifact Modeling: A Framework for Business Artifacts in Traditional Database Systems,” in Enterprise Systems Conference (ESC), 2014, 2014, pp. 13–18.
[NBBB13] P. B. Nassar (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, F. Biennier, and K. Barbar, “Towards Security Awareness in Designing Service-oriented Architectures,” in the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2013, pp. 347–355.
[LIBB13D] W. Li (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Towards a Capability Model for Web Service Composition,” in IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2013, pp. 609–610.
[LIBB13A] W. Li (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “A Capability Model for Natural-Language Based Web Service Composition,” in the 25th International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA), Paris, France, 2013.
[LIBB13B] W. Li (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Improving Web Service Composition with User Requirement Transformation and Capability Model,” presented at the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM Conferences: Confederated International Conferences (CoopIS), Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 300–307.
[LIBB13C] W. Li (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Service Farming: An Ad-hoc and QoS-aware Web Service Composition Approach,” in the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Coimbra, Portugal, 2013, pp. 750–756.
[LIBB12] W. Li (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Digital Ecosystems: Challenges and Prospects,” in The International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, New York, NY, USA, 2012, pp. 117–122.
[BBBB12] P. Bou Nassar (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, F. Biennier, and K. Barbar, “Securing Collaborative Business Processes: A Methodology for Security Management in Service-Based Infrastructure,” inthe IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems. Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management (APMS), Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 480–487.
[MFBW11] Z. Maamar et al., “Towards a Framework for Weaving Social Networks Principles into Web Services Discovery,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, New York, NY, USA, 2011, p. 51:1–51:11.
[ZSBB10] A. Zayati (supervised Ph.D.), L. Sidhom, Y. Badr, F. Biennier, and M. Moalla, “Towards Business Ontologies Matching for Inter-Enterprise Collaboration Platform in a Lean Manufacturing Strategy,” in the 11th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), France, 2010, pp. 746–754.
[PEBB10A] Y. Peng (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “A Dynamic Representation Model for Service Systems,” presented at the International Conference on Service Sciences (ICSS), 2010, pp. 335–340.
[PEBB10B] Y. Peng (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Designing Data-Driven Collaboration in Service Systems,” in the 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS), 2010, pp. 47–53.
[MABN10] Z. Maamar, Y. Badr, and N. Narendra, “Business Artifacts Discovery and Modeling,” in the 8th International Conference in Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), 2010, vol. 6470, pp. 542–550.
[BACA10B] Y. Badr and G. Caplat, “Software Versioning and Evolution In Digital Ecosystems,” in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST), 2010, pp. 381–386.
[BACA10A] Y. Badr and G. Caplat, “Software-as-a-Service and Versionology: Towards Innovative Service Differentiation,” in the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2010, pp. 237–243.
[ATBM10] Y. Atif, Y. Badr, and Z. Maamar, “Towards a New-Digital Learning Ecosystem based on Autonomic Web Services,” in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST), 2010, pp. 180–185.
[PEBB10] Y. Peng (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “A Dynamic Representation Model for Service Systems,” in the International Conference on Service Sciences (ICSS), 2010, pp. 335–340.
[BABA09] J. Y. Bae (supervised graduate), Y. Badr, and A. Abraham, “A Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model of a Rudimentary Angle Controller for Artillery Fire,” in the 11th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSIM’09), Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 59–64.
[BAMA09] Y. Badr and Z. Maamar, “Autonomic Service-Oriented Grid to Enhance e-learning experiences,” in IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST), 2009, pp. 649–654.
[BBBB09A] P. Bou Nassar (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, F. Biennier, and K. Barbar, “Extended BPEL with Heterogeneous Authentication Mechanisms in Service Ecosystems,” in Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, 2009, pp. 126–133.
[BBBB09B] P. Bou Nassar (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, K. Barbar, and F. Biennier, “Risk Management and Security in Service-Based Architectures,” in the International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, 2009, pp. 214–218.
[BDKR09] A. Biswas, S. Dasgupta, B. K Panigrahi, V. Ravikumar Pandi, A. Abraham, and Y. Badr, “Economic Load Dispatch Using a Chemotactic Differential Evolution Algorithm,” in the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, Salamanca, Spain, 2009, pp. 252–260.
[ESBB09] A. Esper (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Hypergraph of Services for Business Interconnectivity and Collaboration,” in Advances in Production Management Systems. New Challenges, New Approaches, B. Vallespir and T. Alix, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 571–578.
[KSGD09] D. Kundu, K. Suresh, S. Ghosh, S. Das, A. Abraham, and Y. Badr, “Automatic Clustering Using a Synergy of Genetic Algorithm and Multi-Objective Differential Evolution,” in the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 177–186.
[MABA09] Z. Maamar and Y. Badr, “Social Networks as a Service in Modern Enterprises,” in International Conference on the Current Trends in Information Technology (CTIT), 2009, pp. 1–5.
[MWBE09] Z. Maamar, L. K. Wives, Y. Badr, and S. Elnaffar, “Even Web Services Can Socialize: A New Service-Oriented Social Networking Model,” in International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2009, pp. 24–30.
[NBBB09] P. B. Nassar (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, K. Barbar, and F. Biennier, “Towards Integrating Security Services in E-Learning Platforms,” in the International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 2009, pp. 573–577.
[NBTM09] N. C. Narendra, Y. Badr, P. Thiran, and Z. Maamar, “Towards a Unified Approach for Business Process Modeling Using Context-Based Artifacts and Web Services,” in IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2009, pp. 332–339.
[PABB09] P. Yong (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “A Generic Service System for Knowledge-Intensive Service Firms,” in the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, 2009, p. 63.
[SBBN09] L. Sliman (supervised Ph.D.), F. Biennier, Y. Badr, and Z. Nakao, “Towards a Resource-Driven Modelling Paradigm in Collaborative and Service-Oriented Enterprises,” in the 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscou, Russie, Fédération De, 2009, pp. 1614–1619.
[SBBS09] L. Sliman (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, F. Biennier, N. Salatge, and Z. Nakao, “Single Sign-On Integration in a Distributed Enterprise Service Bus,” in International Conference on Network and Service Security (N2S), 2009, pp. 1–5.
[STWB09] J. Stephan, N. Wakim, and Y. Badr, “E-Profile-Based Security for Critical Transactions in Web Applications,” in International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2009, pp. 1–2.
[TPAB09] R. Thangaraj, M. Pant, A. Abraham, and Y. Badr, “Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Global Optimization Problems,” in Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 2009, pp. 310–318.
[VIBA09] J. F. S. Villamizar, Y. Badr, and A. Abraham, “An Enhanced Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm to Solve Satisfiability Problems,” in Computer Modelling and Simulation, 2009. UKSIM ’09. 11th International Conference on, 2009, pp. 77–82.
[CHBB08] S. Chaari, Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Enhancing Web Service Selection by QoS-Based Ontology and Ws-Policy,” in the 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2008, pp. 2426–2431.
[ESBB08A] A. Esper (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Organization of Contextual Enterprise-Service Bus,” presented at the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008, pp. 1–5.
[ESBB08B] A. Esper (supervised Ph.D.), L. Sliman, Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Towards Secured and Interoperable Business Services,” in Enterprise Interoperability III, P. D.-I. K. Mertins, D. R. Ruggaber, P. K. Popplewell, and P. X. Xu, Eds. Springer London, 2008, pp. 301–312.
[JABB08] M. Jaber (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Building Global Workflow from The Scratch: An Approach Based on Integration of Heterogenic Workflows by Mediators,” in Lean Business Systems and Beyond, 2008, pp. 373–381.
[ALBG08] A. Abraham, H. Liu, Y. Badr, and C. Grosan, “A Multi-Swarm Approach for Neighbor Selection in Peer-to-Peer Networks,” in 5th international conference on Soft computing as transdisciplinary science and technology, 2008, pp. 178–184.
[BABG08] Y. Badr, A. Abraham, F. Biennier, and C. Grosan, “Enhancing Web Service Selection by User Preferences of Non-functional Features,” in International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, 2008, pp. 60–65.
[STBA07] J. Stephan and Y. Badr, “A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Manage Risks in the Supply Chain Operations Reference,” in International Conference on Digital Information Management, 2007, pp. 410–417.
[JABB06A] M. Jaber (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Distributed Information System for the Supply Chain Integration,” in the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications (ICTTA), Damascus, Syria, 2006, pp. 227–232.
[JABB06B] M. Jaber (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “Service Oriented Organization for Cross-Enterprise Processes and Distributed Transactions,” in Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Oxford, 2006, pp. 641–646.
[JABB05] M. Jaber (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and F. Biennier, “An Integrated Open System to Support Cyber-Partnering,” in Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), Washington, USA, 2005, p. 6 pages.
[BADR05] Y. Badr, “Xtractor: A Light Wrapper for Xml Paragraph-Centric Documents,” in The IEEE conference Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, 2005, pp. 150–155.
[BACF03] Y. Badr, R. Chbeir, and A. Flory, “Towards an Automatic Image Description,” International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications (CSITeA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2003, pp. 242–247.
[BALF03] Y. Badr, F. Laforest, and A. Flory, “Druid: Coupling User Written Documents and Databases,” in 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems(ICEIS), Angers, France, 2003, pp. 191–196.
[AMBA03A] N. Amaneddine and Y. Badr, “A Taxonomy of Transformation Methods for Structured Documents,” presented at the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Tunis, Tunisia, 2003, pp. 14–18.
[AMBA03B] N. Amaneddine and Y. Badr, “Classification of Transformation Methods in Structured Document Applications,” in the 6th International Symposium on Programming and System (ISPS), 2003, vol. 05, pp. 157–166.
[BLFS01] Y. Badr, F. Laforest, A. Flory, and M. Sayah, “Transformation Rules from Semi-structured XML Documents to Database Model,” in the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (ACS/ICCSA), 2001, pp. 181–184.
[GABM17] A. Gatouillat (supervised Ph.D.), Y. Badr, and B. Massot, “QoS-Driven Self-Adaptation for Critical IoT-Based Systems,” in Workshop on Adaptive Service-oriented and Cloud Applications (ASOCA), Malaga, Spain, 2017.
[HATB17] S. Hariri, C. Tunc, and Y. Badr, “Resilient Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems as a Service (rDaaS): A Design Overview,” in IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), Tuscon, United States, 2017, pp. 352–356.
[PZBH17] J. Pacheco, X. Zhu, Y. Badr, and S. Hariri, “Enabling Risk Management for Smart Infrastructures with an Anomaly Behavior Analysis Intrusion Detection System,” in IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), Tuscon, United States, 2017, pp. 324–328.
[BABA13] Y. Badr and S. Banerjee, “Managing End-to-End Security Risks with Fuzzy Logic in Service-Oriented Architectures,” in 9th IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), 2013, pp. 111–117.
[BSLF01] Y. Badr, M. Sayah, F. Laforest, and A. Flory, “Capturing Data using XML Paragraph-centric Document,” in the 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation meets Databases (KRDB), Roma, Italy, 2001, vol. Volume 45 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 63–72.
[BA01] Youakim Badr, “Service Computing and Service Engineering: Towards Digital Service Ecosystems,” 2013, 196 pages.
Freimut Bodendorf, Sven Schwarz, Carolin Durst, Babis Theodoulidis, Arjun Natarajan, Shu Tao, Rama Akkiraju, Charlie Bess, Youakim Badr, Service Innovation, Engineering, and Quality: A Research Perspective, White paper, editor Service Research and Innovation Institute Special Interest Group on Service Innovation, Engineering, & Quality, pp. 49, 2013