
Doctoral Thesis Supervision

 Wisnu URIAWAN (INSA de Lyon, France) (September 2018 – now)
 ThesisLending-As-a-Service:  Trustworthiness-Based Personal Lending on a Decentralized Applications
                 co-supervise with Dr. L. Brunie and Dr. O. Hassan (INSA-Lyon, France)

Xiaoyang ZHU (September 2015 – June 2019)
ThesisBlockchain-based Identity and Access Management for the Internet of Things
Current position: China Aerospace Science and Industry Cooperation, Beijing

Arthur GATOUILLAT (October 2015 – 2018)
ThesisDesigning Smart services with connected devices and stream event analytics and their application to wearable biomedical connected devices
Current position: entrepreneur and co-founder of PIWIO startup France

Maroun ABI ASSAF (February 2014-2018)
ThesisIntegration Framework for Artifact-centric processes in the Internet of Things
Current position: Current position: Assistant Professor, American University of Technology, Lebanon

Wenbin LI (October 2010 – September 2013)
TitleTowards a Resilient Service-Oriented Computing based on Ad-hoc Service Composition in Dynamic Environments
Current position: Senior Research Scientist at Orange, Brittany, France

Pascal Bou Nassar (October 2007 – December 21, 2012)
Title: “Managing security in dynamic service infrastructures from a risk management perspective”
Current position: Assistant Professor at Université de Saint Joseph Beirut, Lebanon

Peng Yong (October 2008 – February 2012)
Title: “Modeling and Designing IT-enabled Service Systems Driven by Requirements and Collaboration
Current position: Researcher in Beijing, China

Ahlem Zayati (October 2006 – October 9, 2012)
Title: “Service-oriented Industrial Information Systems
Current position: IT services Consultant at Allianz, Pari

Layth Sleiman (September 2006 – 27 November 2009)
Title: “Business with Secured Enterprise Service Bus
Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Information & Digital Technologies, Paris

Alida Esper (October 2006 – September 1st 2010)
Title: “Coupling Service-Oriented Architecture and an Object-Oriented paradigm to Design a Coherent Service Orchestration Model
Current position: Associate Professor, University of Aleppo, Syria

Mayyad Jaber (October 2005 – 19 February 2009)
Title: “Distributed Information Systems for Supply Chain Management”
Current position: Associate Professor, University of Aleppo, Syria